How to create a hackathon
To create a hackathon, sign into your Hackathon Center and navigate to Create hackathon. There are a few ways to get there: the navigation bar, the Create hackathon section, and within the footer under Hackathons.
Let’s start with the Create hackathon section. Scroll down to the Create hackathon section and you’ll find various hackathon templates that you can use to guide you through creating your hackathon. To preview a template, click View template. If you’d like to see more templates, click View all templates.
Select a template from the list to preview the template and to get an idea of the benefits behind using the template. Included in each template is placeholder copy for you to consider using or make edits.
Upon selecting the template, click Use this template and your hackathon will be created.
Don’t want to use any of the listed templates? Click Start form scratch and a blank hackathon will be created for you to customize.
Organization Admins can also create custom templates, allowing them to create hackathons that can be readily adapted for the organization's specific needs, from API onboarding for new customers to streamlining product innovation and launching design sprints. To learn more about custom templates, visit How to create custom templates.
Once you’ve created your hackathon, be sure to populate it with essential information.
If you have any specific questions on creating a hackathon, contact [email protected].